Connect to Cell™
Comprising Caller ID manager and Alerts manager, Connect to Cell offers a convenient solution to integrate your Android™ cell phone with the Bluetooth®-enabled AT&T branded phone systems*. The app supports Android OS 2.3 and higher.
Caller ID manager allows you:
- To view your AT&T branded phone’s caller ID log on your Android cell phone;
- To use your Android cell phone to call back or send messages to individuals who have called your home line on the AT&T branded telephone;
- To store callers’ names and numbers to your Android phone’s directory for future use.
Alerts manager allows you to extend your Android phone’s alerts to your AT&T branded telephone system. Your AT&T branded telephone will notify you whenever you receive certain text messages, e-mails or social media updates on your Android phone, so you will always be kept up to date. Alerts manager is compatible with the following applications or services:
- Android’s default email
- Gmail™
- Hotmail®
- Yahoo! ® Mail
- AOL® Mail
- Google Calendar™
- Low battery alert
- Whatsapp™
- Facebook®
- Line
- Twitter®
- Instagram™
* AT&T-branded models TL92273/TL92373/TL92473/TL96273/TL96323/TL96373/TL96473/ CLP99183/CLP99283/CLP99353/CLP99383/CLP99453/CLP99483/ CLP99553/CLP99583
“This app uses Accessibility services.”
© 2013 Advanced American Telephones. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo and graphic design are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property licensed to Advanced American Telephones. The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. Connect to Cell™ is trademark of Advanced American Telephones.
All other trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.
包括来电显示管理器和警报管理器,连接到电池提供了一个方便的解决你的Android™手机与Bluetooth®-AT&T品牌的手机系统集成*。该应用程序支持Android OS 2.3和更高。
- 要查看您的AT&T品牌手机的来电显示记录您的Android手机;
- 要使用您的Android手机打个电话或发送信息给谁已经呼吁AT&T品牌的电话你家行的个人;
- 要呼叫者的姓名和电话号码存储到你的Android手机的供将来使用的目录。
- Android的默认电子邮件
- Gmail™网络
- 的Hotmail
- 雅虎®邮件
- 的AOL邮件
- 短信
- 谷歌日历™
- 低电量警报
- WhatsApp的™
- 的Facebook®
- 线路
- Twitter®
- Instagram的™
* AT&T品牌型号TL92273 / TL92373 / TL92473 / TL96273 / TL96323 / TL96373 / TL96473 / CLP99183 / CLP99283 / CLP99353 / CLP99383 / CLP99453 / CLP99483 / CLP99553 / CLP99583
©2013先进的美国电话。版权所有。 AT&T和AT&T的标志和图形设计授权给高级美国电话AT&T知识产权的商标。由Bluetooth SIG公司拥有连接蓝牙文字商标和标识是注册商标,以细胞™是先进的美国电话的商标。